
Creating an Elegant Vertical Green Wall for Tanqueray

我們為Tanqueray 打造一面優雅的垂直綠化牆。這一設計概念巧妙地將植物元素融入戶外酒吧佈置,為空間增添自然韻味。在構建垂直綠化牆時,採用了多種層次豐富的綠色植物。例如以茂密蓬勃的常青藤為基底,搭配細緻優雅的小型植栽,如白色牡丹,營造出層次分明、錯落有致的視覺效果。這種植物配置不僅能打造出自然生機盎然的景象,也能為空間注入一股清新脫俗的氣韻。

K11 Christmas Party
A florally Gatsby theme was designed by our design team. The event was a great success and everyone had a blast! We matched with black , white, and golden colour flowers which bring out the elegancy and classical vibe of...
King Fook Jewellery

Annamaria Cammilli 推出了一種全新的獨家金色色調 - 濃郁的巧克力棕色,使Annamaria Cammilli成為全球唯一能夠持續優雅地生產八種獨特金色色調的珠寶品牌。


Tanqueray The Greenery Wall
Tanqueray London Dry Gin is a balanced, multi-layed combination of botanical gin and their signature green glass bottle was well recognise by everyone . Our team has designed a greenery wall with tropical flowers (in red and orange) to represent...
SaSa Ladies’ Purse Day
It is our honoured to provide all the table arrangements on SaSa Ladies’ Purse Day x Hong Kong Jockey Club 2020. We used the colour of Spring had toned up all the happiness of the whole event. Not only that,...